Workforce Development at Metropolitan means consistently developing and reworking spaces of community.

Whether those spaces are physical – gaining hands-on experience at work sites, building a Free Library for our Altgeld Gardens residents – or emotional – cultivating a safety net of wraparound support for job-seekers and their families – we’re committed to empowering our communities to persevere through life’s challenges.

“They really do give you the key to a new life … it’s just, do you want to pick it up and open the door.”

Isaiah, Bridge to Construction program participant

As we celebrate the culmination of 20 years of Workforce Development at Metropolitan, we’ve opened a new space dedicated to empowering job-seekers well into the future: our Jones Center!

As we expand our programming and develop connections with employer partners, we’re seeing growth. Growth of diversity in trades, of bridging our work with youth into our work with adults; we’re seeing the benefits in a community’s workforce being of the community.


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